Tuesday 2 March 2010

When I Grow Up - Rogier van der Zwaag

So firstly I appologise for the long absence, my work life has killed me of late but our 5th birthday is finally over and I can finally breathe again... phew.

Anyway since I have been away there have been many many inspirations for me to draw from but for today I'm all about Rogier van der Zwaag. The maker of the Music video "Grind" and the visual aspect of the band called Nobody Beats the Drum. The video is a masterpiece on a visual level but what makes the video particularly awesome is that it's stopframe. It would have been easy enough to make this 3D but he painstaking made all the blocks, painted and animated it all by hand. In an age of the digital take over it's still nice to see things that blow your mind knowing that no programing was needed just patience, time and effort. Things the world needs more of...


Oh and here's a great little mockumentry on how the video was made (not that is shows you how it was made at all)

Plus on the upside he's kind of cute which doesn't hurt, wink.

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