Tuesday 15 December 2009

General Ramblings - Daaaaddy, I want a pony

I never said I was ahead of the curve... I Blame Coco have been around for a little while but due to my dislike for her fathers music (Sting) I brushed her "upcoming kid to watch" status off before I even gave her a chance.

Anyway the reason I found this is cause I follow one of my favourite Swedes Robyn on Twitter and she was shouting out about this colab video. I have to admit it's not bad. Coco's deep man voice mixed with Robyn's really works in my opinion and it's got a good beat. Robyn makes this song and it begs the question if the only reason why Coco has a gig in the first place is cause of daddy...
I guess we'll find out when her next single hits but for now I'm "going to enjoy it."

I Blame Coco feat. Robyn - Caesar

I BLÅME COCO | MySpace Music Videos

"It's the Lord of the Flies all over again"

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