Monday 14 December 2009

General Ramblings - Final Fantasy VIII and Pink Hair

So for those who don't know... (if anyone is even reading this) I'm a bit of a geek... just a tad. And I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited about the new Final Fantasy coming out on the 9th of March. The small Asians at Square Soft have been kicking the Americans ass in CG since time began, my Final Fantasy X (that came out in 2002) graphics still outstrips most of my PS3 games and that's 8 years ago... anyway so myself and my fav frenchie can't wait to be battling for the controller in March.

Oh and another reason I posted this is cause I now have the same hair colour as the leading lady... yes I am baby candyfloss pink... I can't say no to my hairdresser... oh well, Christmas hair! Yay!

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