Friday 29 January 2010

Quick Look at Awesome - Asimo aka "Advanced Step in Innovative MObility"

I have always been a bit of a sci-fi geek, thanks mostly to my father, who taught me at a young age that sometimes real life is seriously over rated when you have a galaxy to explore. I have seen it all a million times including all the good ol' black and white vacuum cleaner sounding spaceships and can perform the Vulcan mind meld (well kinda) but it's always been an escape but the great thing is maybe thanks to Honda the future may be a reality.

Introducing Asimo (said Awesimo) a real life humanoid robot by Honda. This little guy has been around for a little over 9 years but I was reminded of him again when I  stumbled on this mini doccie made for Sundace this year and premiered on the 15th Jan, explaining how very complex making this little robot really was.

Check it out:

and for good measure a fitting song, Royksopp ft Robyn The Girl and the Robot

Ocelot remix

Note. I do take heed of "terminator" warnings of robots but believe that we will either die of global warming or be killed by Tom Cruise and the Scientology people before the robots get us so it's all good.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

General Rambling - I got shot by the Sheriff

No songs from this band kids, got asked to take it down but you can listen to the album at the official website. But feel free to read the review anyway, song free. Wink.

There has been a buzz of late around this album, Contra, and at first listen you can understand why. It's happy and infectious and feels like you should be drinking Horchata. In all honestly, I wasn't the biggest fan of their first album. I mean there were a few tracks that were cool like Walcott but nothing in this league. It's like these kids did it the right way; they took the experiences of last album, grew up a little but still retained the sense of fun that's synonymous with them.  Oh and adding small elements of pixel electro doesn't hurt either.

The one song to me that stands out substantially for me is Giving Up the Gun. It just sounds a little cleaner and not like them so much at all. By which I mean; I don't smell the island air, it's more citylights musk. Close second is I Think You're a Contra but that appeals to the chilled moody side of me, especially the Violins (I'm a sucker for Violins).

"When I was 17, I had wrists like steal and I felt complete.
But now my body fades behind the brass charade and I'm obsolete"

Monday 25 January 2010

A Quick Look at Awesome - Rethink Scholarship at Langara 2010 Call for Entries

There are moments in your life where you look at something and wish with your whole heart that one day when you grow up you could do something like that. At a time in my life where I love my life, my job, my friends, my family and "plus one" it's weird to think that I could possibly want more. But then I look at this and it seems that it's only natural to feel that way.

It's tactile, real thought provoking and above all else true and maybe it's about time that I need to go out and get myself something more... to rethink.


Rethink Scholarship at Langara 2010 Call for Entries from Rory O'Sullivan and Simon Bruyn on Vimeo.

Monday 18 January 2010

Songs of the Week - Hurts

These 2 Manchester boys have stolen my heart in one foul swoop this morning, found them last week in the digital version of the Dazed and Confused Jan Edition but as life goes only listened to then today. The embers of a band I really had love for, Daggers, Hurts rose to become what is being said as "the best thing to come out of Manchester since New Order."

Soaked in old school post punk flavour, the songs are just beauty itself with videos that look like they've come straight out of a Hedi Slimane / Anton Corbijn shoot. So  little wonder Hedi actually fell for them too and shot them for Dazed.


Fashion legend photos aside here's a video and of course, the music:

Blood, Tears and Gold (click divshare to download)

Wonderful Life

"I never thought I'd be the man I am now,
it's 20 seconds since I've left you"

Wednesday 13 January 2010

A Quick Look at Awesome - Jeffery Brown

So I lucked out a few months ago and came across 2 graphic novels by Jeffery Brown at the Deerhunter Junk Sale. I got his most acclaimed novel Clumsy and his second one Unlikely (also known as How I Lost My Virginity). Each book chronicles a relationship he had with a girl, not sparing any embarrassing details (and there are many). His lines are fragile and drawings often crude but in a way it works as it reflects the fragility of the situations.

Read Clumsy here and Unlikely here

Jeff: I love you
Alissyn: How do you know it's love and not obsession?

Monday 11 January 2010

Conversations in the Office - Asian Persuasion

After getting off the phone with the Tai Chi instructor's daughter

S: Wow, how tricksy, she didn't even sound Asian... don't you have that when they don't even sound Asian?
M: I know right?! It's so tricksy.
S: Yeah, it's jut not normal if they don't sound Asian and they sound normal
S, B & M just blink...
J doesn't even look up, keeps typing...

General Ramblings - A little more Chicago, a little less New York

Jaco Haasbroek

Today is a bit of an up and downer, full of emotions and the lack there of. But I have to say it for the first time finally feels like a new year, thanks funny enough to the reminder of all the same things of last year. The oddness of being back at work with a small twinge of tiredness from the night before. I have to say that my heart still feels numb from Friday night but I have a feeling that this numbness too shall pass soon.

So I will miss shoe but till then I will be listening to a little more Animal Collective, a little less Iron and Wine (early morning music). Why Animal Collective? Well these boys keep popping up everywhere in various "album of the year articles" for their Merriweather Post Pavillion awesomeness and so time seemed right to hit them up again... plus they're just happier really.

Thus today's songs are Iron & Wine Trapeze Swinger and Animal Collective My Girls... for my shoe. Enjoy.
Trapeze Swinger

My Girls

"Please Remember me, Happily"

Friday 8 January 2010

General Ramblings - New Years Resolutions

Tom Gauld - What is life like in the future?

So it's a new year and apparently I should come up with ideas of what I want for this year... hmmm, well I guess I want what we all do... all the best bits of last year and none of the bad, obviously but I guess we need to delve a little deeper than that, so here it goes

- Start taking photos again, seriously
- make my crazy creative ideas a reality
- see new places (ie, Iceland in October)
- Carry on loving with my whole heart
- Continue on my journey of finding me and what I want

But most of all Love and Balance... a whole lot of love, balance, snuggling and if I'm lucky... cookies. Ultimately I don't believe a resolution is something that should be defined by the time of year or the space of one but an ongoing pursuit. When you want a change do it.

But when all else fails I'll be hitting up this little website I found, a new years resolution generator. Check it out, I recommend it. Especially the bit that says make a paper airplane... come on, get on it.

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Song of the Week -The Knife, in collaboration with Mt. Sims and Planningtorock "Colouring of Pigeons"

 So my favourite human I have never met Karin Dreijer Andersson and her brother Olaf Dreijer along with those great kids from the Sims and Planningtorock made a little Opera I would KILL to see called Tomorrow, in a year based on Darwin. Making use of traditional Opera singers, Modern Singers, Karin herself with the music inspired by the sounds of the amazon Olaf collected the combination is nothing short of extraordinary.

The great thing is for those who haven't been lucky enough to make it to any of the shows that have been played all over Europe they have announced that they will be releasing a studio version of the opera the 1st of March (yay!) and they released their first single "Colouring of Pigeons" out today (double yay!)

Check it out:

Karin on Colouring Of Pigeons: "The title is taken from Charles Darwin's studies of pigeons, a breakthrough of his examinations, coming home after The Beagle trip, it is when when he started to discover the genetics transfered within generations. It is a track maximizing the results of his studies. I thought of the "diversity of everything" something we have discussed a lot with Hotel Pro Forma, and a non-hierarchical way of seeing things. All the small details he studied and made notes of, like a pile of ants, an ants hill. Also a feeling of seeing things for the first time, overwhelming and shaken, but not afraid."

You have to love those Swedes hey?

Happy happy 2010

So it's a brand new year and this artwork by Haasbroek describes it best... I'm looking forward to a phat year indeed. Ha ha, lame... anyway.

A lot has gone down since the last post... the zoo, Lego, Christmas trees, turkey, Veerkykerskop and Love... and a whole lot of Boney M... Total Retro Song of the week indeed I mean it was Christmas after all.

So a very very happy happy for you my bloggy friends :D